Sunday, November 06, 2022

Greetings from Downtown

Saturday was a gorgeous nearly-80-degree day and a Pokemon Community Classic Day, so we went downtown in the late morning, walked around part of the Tidal Basin and many of the monuments, ate lunch on a bench near the World War II Memorial, and headed back to the garage past several museums with outdoor art and Pokestops. A lovely afternoon!


2022-11-05 12.48.16


2022-11-05 12.43.19


2022-11-05 12.29.27



Sports were less lovely, as the Phillies lost the World Series to Houston and the Terps lost to Wisconsin (I don't care about Michigan beating Rutgers or Georgia beating Tennessee and it's fine with me that LSU beat Alabama). Now we're watching SNL, which wasn't as political as I had hoped until Weekend Update (I love when Jost hasn't read Che's jokes till airtime).  

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