Friday, November 18, 2022

Poem for Friday and Mystic Seaport Ships

By Carl Sandburg

Strolling along
By the teeming docks,
I watch the ships put out.
Black ships that heave and lunge
And move like mastodons
Arising from lethargic sleep.

The fathomed harbor
Calls them not nor dares
Them to a strain of action,
But outward, on and outward,
Sounding low-reverberating calls,
Shaggy in the half-lit distance,
They pass the pointed headland,
View the wide, far-lifting wilderness
And leap with cumulative speed
To test the challenge of the sea.

Doggedly onward plunging,
Into salt and mist and foam and sun.


I had a very social Thursday! In the morning I ran out to Locust Grove so I could finally catch a Jangmo-o, then I went to meet Alice at Montgomery Mall for Cava and shopping (Macy's Black Friday sale has already started and they have $20 fuzzy sweaters). Eventually we got Starbucks, met the mall Santa, and said our farewells without even overspending in Sephora as we sometimes do. 

 It was quite chilly by the time Paul and I took a walk in the late afternoon, though very worth it because we got to see three bunnies in one yard. We had pumpkin soup for dinner, watched the Ghosts rerun and the start of the Titans-Packers game, and I chatted with several of the people I was just in Salem with. Also from that trip, tall ships seen at Mystic Seaport: 


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2022-11-10 11.14.03



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