Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Poem for Tuesday and Kidwell Farm

From 'The Pet Lamb'
By William Wordsworth

The dew was falling fast, the stars began to blink;
I heard a voice; it said, "Drink, pretty Creature, drink!"
And, looking o'er the hedge, before me I espied
A snow-white mountain Lamb with a Maiden at its side.

No other sheep were near, the Lamb was all alone,
And by a slender cord was tethered to a stone;
With one knee on the grass did the little Maiden kneel,
While to that Mountain Lamb she gave its evening meal.

The Lamb while from her hand he thus his supper took
Seemed to feast with head and ears; and his tail with pleasure shook.
"Drink, pretty Creature, drink," she said in such a tone
That I almost received her heart into my own.


Monday was a much nicer day than Sunday, though it was a strange one in this county: a small plane crashed into a power transmission tower, and the (successful) rescue operation left 120,000 people without power, many traffic lights out, schools closed, hospitals on generators. By the time we left the house, the passengers had been rescued and power had mostly been restored, but it felt like an extended weekend day. 

Our kids' flights to Seattle were around 5 p.m., so before heading to Dulles, we went to Frying Pan Farm Park to see the animals at Kidwell Farm. I hadn't expected piglets and lambs so late in the season, but there were both, plus some calves, many goats, chickens, ducks, and lots of other animals. The airport was less of a post-Thanksgiving mob scene than we thought it might be, so we dropped them off and they headed for SeaTac. 

2022-11-28 14.58.25

2022-11-28 14.35.01

2022-11-28 14.37.14

2022-11-28 14.47.53A

2022-11-28 15.01.25

2022-11-28 14.57.51A

2022-11-28 14.48.17

2022-11-28 15.17.07 

We came home, started the first of many laundries, had soup and peanut butter crackers for dinner because we ate so much over the weekend, and watched the season finale of Andor, which went from enjoyable to my favorite of the Star Wars TV shows and ahead of several of the movies. That put us in the mood to watch Rogue One, which I absolutely love and which holds up perfectly, though it got me behind on laundry!  


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