Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Poem for Wednesday and Sultana Downrigging

By Heather Allen

Strange flight, the body
Held at a threshold
And never quite freed

Or quite revealed—
One wing taut with wind,
One wing concealed

Until the wind grows calm
And it shimmers in a shadow-world,
The shape of a sail, yet softer—

The drifting boat
A bird half in air,
Half in water.


Tuesday felt like a Monday -- Halloween will do that, especially when too much candy was eaten. Most of my day was pretty quiet, in large part because Ticketmaster kept crashing while I was trying to register for the Taylor Swift verified fan pre-sale -- I'd get to the point where I had to type in the confirmation code sent to my phone and it would spin for two hours, then put me back to the beginning of the virtual waiting room. So that was a big pain, but now I'm preregistered for the presale which just seems like ridiculous hoops for the privilege of spending money on concert tickets. 

We took a walk, then (it being Tuesday) we ate tacos. My Voyager group watched "One" which I had remembered as a Seven/Doctor episode but I thought at least it was one where they sang together instead of one where the writers got their fantasy of Seven being so important that they didn't need the rest of the crew, though at least Jeri Ryan gave it her all. And I was deprived of seeing Syndergaard start for the Phillies, though at least they pitched so well the Astros didn't get a single run. Here are some pictures of the tall ships in Chestertown for the Sultana Downrigging Festival last weekend: 








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