Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Poem for Tuesday and Chestertown Dickens Festival

Lucy's Song
By Charles Dickens

How beautiful at eventide
To see the twilight shadows pale,
Steal o'er the landscape, far and wide,
O'er stream and meadow, mound and dale!
How soft is Nature's calm repose
When ev'ning skies their cool dews weep:
The gentlest wind more gently blows,
As if to soothe her in her sleep!
The gay morn breaks,
Mists roll away,
All Nature awakes
To glorious day.
In my breast alone
Dark shadows remain;
The peace it has known
It can never regain.


No idea where Monday went -- some work, laundry, labeling and stamping of holiday cards, and we took a long walk on this cold but lovely afternoon because we're supposed to have rain for most of the rest of the week. Then I watched some Rings of Power with Kristen after dinner, but I am behind on everything! 

We watched the end of Wednesday, which I really hope is coming back next season -- very enjoyable performances and clever structure -- then the first episode of the last season of His Dark Materials, which is also very well done, but, well, dark. From A Dickens of a Christmas in Chestertown last weekend: 

2022-12-03 15.08.54A

2022-12-03 12.59.21

2022-12-03 12.58.43A

2022-12-03 12.41.54

2022-12-03 13.16.00

2022-12-03 15.30.15

2022-12-03 13.42.25

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