Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Poem for Tuesday and Hillwood Orchids

By Audre Lorde

It has rained for five days
the world is
a round puddle
of sunless water
where small islands
are only beginning
to cope
a young boy
in my garden
is bailing out water
from his flower patch
when I ask him why
he tells me
young seeds that have not seen sun
and drown easily.


My Monday was pretty quiet and mostly about chores, which was fine -- something resembling a normal day. I am working on taking all our CDs out of plastic cases and putting them into binders like the DVDs, a project sped up by the basement flood, and have made it through most of the Gs -- we have a lot of Grateful Dead. We did need to stop at the post office to mail packages, and took a walk at Locust Grove since we were nearby. 

I talked to my sister and one of my old friends and tried to catch up on email before dinner. After, we started watching the BCS game, but it became obvious that we should put on this week's Fantasy Island and Quantum Leap in between bouts of watching Georgia demolish TCU, and those were pretty enjoyable -- stories about women and lgbtq characters not focused on romance. From Hillwood last weekend, orchids in the greenhouse: 

2023-01-01 16.39.35

2023-01-01 16.41.04

2023-01-01 16.42.41

2023-01-01 16.42.06

2023-01-01 16.40.45

2023-01-01 16.39.22

2023-01-01 16.40.37  

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