Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Poem for Wednesday and Great Falls Foxes

By Alice Oswald

I heard a cough
as if a thief was there
outside my sleep
a sharp intake of air

a fox in her fox-fur
stepping across
the grass in her black gloves
barked at my house

just so abrupt and odd
the way she went
hungrily asking
in the heart's thick accent

in such serious sleepless
trespass she came
a woman with a man's voice
but no name

as if to say: it's midnight
and my life
is laid beneath my children
like gold leaf


Tuesday felt like a Monday, meaning I felt behind on everything although I finished putting our CDs into binders since Amazon was kind enough to deliver the final binder we needed a few days early. Otherwise, some laundry got done, some chores got finished, and some Pokemon gifts got sent. 

My Voyager group watched "Thirty Days" (we all forgot the details, it wasn't bad though it was like first season Tom Paris was unexpectedly back), then Paul and I watched some White Lotus (some great acting but I'm still not sure I like it). The foxes at Great Falls last weekend: 








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