Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Greetings from Meadowlark Gardens

Paul had President's Day off, so after a morning visit from the guy who's repairing our basement paneling, we went to Meadowlark Gardens. We assumed they would have at least as much in bloom as Brookside, and we were right: there were lots of snowdrops, crocuses, lenten roses, apricot blossoms, and witch hazel, as well as some daffodils and planted pansies and violets. There were also pairs of geese and ducks, and, even though it was mostly overcast, several turtles! The conservatory mostly had succulents and cacti, though there were also many, many flowers on the bird of paradise plant. We stopped at Giant on the way home and I met Kristen online for Thor

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After dinner, we watched this week's not-my-favorite Fantasy Island, then we put on You People, which I was nervous about from the reviews. But I really enjoyed it and am rolling my eyes at some of the manufactured outrage; of course characters expressed racism and anti-Semitism in a movie about how racism and anti-Semitism work in relationships! I had expected more silly comedy and was pleased the movie knew to take itself and its cringe seriously. Sure, the ages of some of the cast members was odd, but that's almost always true of women being cast as mothers, and there were some interesting acting choices before the silly ending.

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