Sunday, February 19, 2023

Greetings from Westminster

Saturday was Paul's father's birthday, so we drove to Hanover in the morning and picked up his parents to take them out to lunch at Blue Koi, the excellent Thai restaurant where Paul and I shared vegan ginger and basil tofu and his parents had shrimp and noodle dishes. I also got to visit the wonderful local-make crafts store next door to the restaurant, and we picked up blueberry pie for dessert, since his dad prefers pie to cake -- plus we had leftover Valentine candy. 

We Skyped with my kids and parents so everyone could say happy birthday, and on the way home, we visited Bear Branch Nature Center in Westminster, which has lots of reptiles and local animals and is by Lake Hashawha, where we saw geese and trees starting to bud. We had soup for dinner because we weren't ravenous after lunch, then we watched Empire of Light, which is sadder than I was expecting but really well acted (Olivia Colman, Colin Firth) and beautifully filmed. 

2023-02-18 16.07.23

2023-02-18 12.42.09

2023-02-18 16.40.29

2023-02-18 16.48.30

2023-02-18 16.48.56

2023-02-18 17.02.27

2023-02-18 17.10.09

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