Friday, February 24, 2023

Poem for Friday and Primavera

By Esther Popel

The moon
Was an old, old woman, tonight,
Hurrying home;
Calling pitifully to her children,
The stars,
Begging them to go home with her
For she was afraid,
But they would not.
They only laughed
While she crept along
Huddling against the dark blue wall of the Night
Stooping low,
Her old black hood wrapped close about her ears,
And only the pale curve of her yellow cheek
With a tear in the hollow of it
Showing through.
And the wind laughed too,
For he was teasing the old woman,
Pelting her with snowballs,
Filling her old eyes with the flakes of them,
Making her cold.
She stumbled along, shivering,
And once she fell,
And the snow buried her;
And all her jewels
Slid from the old bag
Under her arm
And fell to earth,
And the tall trees seized them,
And hung them about their necks,
And filled their bony arms with them.
All their nakedness was covered by her jewels,
And they would not give them back to her.
The old moon-woman moaned piteously,
Hurrying home;
And the wild wind laughed at her
And her children laughed too,
And the tall trees taunted her
With their glittering plunder.


I had a lot of chores to do on Thursday and I also had to have a fasting blood draw (which had to be scheduled right before noon, since I had to move the original appointment from early next week). So I was hungry and a little woozy doing chores in the morning, though I got the really good phlebotomist, at least. Paul picked us up bagels at the Brooklyn Deli while I was in the lab, so I got a good lunch too. 

The guy fixing the basement paneling finished in the late afternoon, so we went for a walk in the park before dinner. Afterward, I chatted with my Thursday night fangirl group, then we watched another episode of The Lost Symbol, and now for some reason I have Camp Rock on -- okay, I've never seen it and yesterday I watched StarStruck so this is actually a step up. Spring is fully early in this area: 

2023-02-21 15.19.19

2023-02-21 15.29.38

2023-02-21 15.19.26

2023-02-23 18.12.32

2023-02-21 15.08.45

2023-02-21 15.20.15

2023-02-21 14.59.52

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