Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Poem for Tuesday and Winter Jasmine

The Winter Jasmine Fairy
By Cicely Mary Barker

All through the Summer my leaves were green,
But never a flower of mine was seen;
Now Summer is gone, that was so gay,
And my little green leaves are shed away.
In the grey of the year
What cheer, what cheer?

The Winter is come, the cold winds blow;
I shall feel the frost and the drifting snow;
But the sun can shine in December too,
And this is the time of my gift to you.
See here, see here,
My flowers appear!

The swallows have flown beyond the sea,
But friendly Robin, he stays with me;
And little Tom-Tit, so busy and small,
Hops where the jasmine is thick on the wall;
And we say: “Good cheer!
We’re here! We’re here!”


Monday was a Monday, and a gloomy overcast one at that, and people on the internet were dicks about the Grammy Awards for a lot of bad reasons, so I don't have much nice to say about it, and other than laundry I didn't manage to get my chores done. We did manage a walk in the late afternoon and at least it wasn't very cold, plus the crocus buds are turning purple. 

We caught up on The Mayfair Witches in between Fantasy Island, usually a pleasant nostalgic surprise, and Quantum Leap, which did a wonderful progressive episode about a trans teen that kind of makes up for all the body possession squick. Speaking of nostalgia, I still need to catch up on The Way Home. Before they're out of season, here's the neighborhood winter jasmine: 

2023-01-19 17.07.40

2023-01-19 17.07.09

2023-01-19 17.08.22

2023-01-19 17.08.00

2023-01-19 17.07.52

2023-01-19 17.07.18

2023-01-19 17.07.32

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