Friday, March 31, 2023

Poem for Friday and Washington Monument in Blossoms

Sakura, Sakura
By Yosa Buson
Translated by David G. Lanoue

Sakura, sakura
they fall in the dreams
of sleeping beauty


Thursday, while our basement was being repainted, I was sorting everything around my desk -- which is an insane amount of stuff. I had lots that needed to be boxed and more that needed to be donated or listed on Freecycle and Buy Nothing, so I actually saw several neighbors who came to pick things up. It was a gorgeous day and I walked to another neighbor's to drop off a bag of beads. 

Kristen and I watched part of Captain America: Civil War after dinner, which was leftover faux ham and cheese pie, then I watched this week's Ghosts (cod-blocking enjoyable but I'm not a fan of the psycho fan storyline) before my Thursday night chat group chatted. From downtown on Sunday, the Washington Monument among the cherry blossoms around the Tidal Basin: 

2023-03-26 12.12.18

2023-03-26 12.26.28

2023-03-26 13.32.34

2023-03-26 12.02.53

2023-03-26 12.38.48

2023-03-26 12.26.12A

2023-03-26 12.32.20

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