Saturday, March 18, 2023

Poem for Saturday and The Dandelion

By Siegfried Sassoon

And still they come and go: and this is all I know —
That from the gloom I watch an endless picture-show,
Where wild or listless faces flicker on their way,
With glad or grievous hearts I’ll never understand
Because Time spins so fast, and they’ve no time to stay
Beyond the moment’s gesture of a lifted hand.

And still, between the shadow and the blinding flame,
The brave despair of men flings onward, ever the same
As in those doom-lit years that wait them, and have been…
And life is just the picture dancing on a screen.


I did a bunch of chores on Friday morning, mostly involving sorting and boxing upstairs books. That was so that I could spend the afternoon watching MCU movies with Kristen -- the end of Captain America: The Winter Soldier (and the start of Thor: The Dark World (why do so many people not like that movie, the first half at least has so much Thor and Loki snark and it has a happy ending). 

We had dinner with my parents, delayed because the car has a flat tire, bah, though my mother made green pudding for St. Patrick's Day dessert. Then we came home and watched the end of Carnival Row, whose aim exceeded its grasp but I still enjoyed it more than not, and now we're watching Shadow and Bone, which has a lot more monsters both real and metaphorical. The Dandelion in Philadelphia: 

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