Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Poem for Tuesday and Philadelphia Sights

Never Say No
By Laura Purdie Salas

It’s messy, delicious…a perfect bite
Never say no to a Philly cheesesteak
Chipped beef and onions, grilled just right
It’s messy, delicious, a perfect bite
It will have you believing in love at first sight!
The chewy roll and gooey cheese make
it messy, delicious—a perfect bite
Never say no to a Philly cheesesteak!


Monday was, of course, a chore day -- trip laundry that isn't even all folded yet, organizing some Craigslist and Freecycle pickups, starting to sort through all the stuff on the lower shelf of my desk. I also wasted a bunch of time looking at post-Oscars coverage and catching up on email -- plus it turns out someone stole my credit card information in Philly, so I got to sit on the phone yelling at banks, and I had a fight with a testing company about a medical thing too. 

We watched this week's Quantum Leap, from which I was distracted dealing with getting a new Amazon card, though it's weird seeing a lesbian couple when one half is played by a man in her body and that just reminds me of the problematic aspects of leaping on the show. Now I'm watching The Way Home I missed during the Oscars -- still no Jacob-in-the-future reveal! Here are some photos walking around Philly from Old City through Center City and Chinatown to Logan Square: 

2023-03-11 14.20.11

2023-03-11 12.49.32

2023-03-11 15.51.25

2023-03-11 16.24.54

2023-03-11 16.10.20

2023-03-11 17.08.59

2023-03-11 19.11.00

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