Saturday, April 08, 2023

Greetings from Local Parks

Daniel and Cahaya stayed downtown Friday morning and much of the afternoon so she could get some work done and they could visit some museums, so since we weren't sure of their timing, we took Adam first to Locust Grove to see the quails and walk around the creek, then after lunch to the C&O Canal to see the bluebells, ducks, mergansers, a couple of turtles and frogs, and some hawks, finches, bluebirds, and cardinals. It was a much cooler day than the previous couple, a gorgeous afternoon to be out walking. 

We stopped at the Bethesda Co-op for some desserts and snacks, picked up Daniel and Cahaya from the Metro in the late afternoon, then went to my parents' for Passover leftovers -- still delicious -- before heading home so Adam could go out with his local friends. We dropped Daniel and Cahaya off at the Target in Rockville so they could buy bathing suits, which they forgot to bring for their hotel pool, and they took the Metro back downtown while we caught up on The Masked Singer and some baseball. 

2023-04-07 12.55.17

2023-04-07 12.50.54

2023-04-07 16.13.30

2023-04-07 16.16.01

2023-04-07 15.26.16

2023-04-07 16.17.04

2023-04-07 20.32.43

2023-04-07 20.34.27

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