Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Poem for Tuesday and Birds at Green Lake

Octopus Empire
By Marilyn Nelson

What if the submarine
is praying for a way
it can poison the air,
In which some of them have
leaped for a few seconds,
felt its suffocating
rejected buoyancy.
Something floats above their
known world leading a wake
of uncountable death.
What if they organized
into a rebellion?

Now scientists have found
a group of octopi
who seem to have a sense
of community, who
live in dwellings made of
gathered pebbles and shells,
who cooperate, who
defend an apparent
border. Perhaps they’ll have
a plan for the planet
in a millennium
or two. After we’re gone.


Tuesday involved finding, unpacking, and sorting trinkets in our two big closets, plus laundry. We walked down to the office to pick up oversized mail and I wandered out on the dock, where in addition to eagles and herons, there were both wood duck and mallard ducklings and turtles (which we see in water more than on logs around here, though they were out today). In the evening we also walked to the beach. 

My Voyager group watched "Warhead" -- I didn't remember it, but that didn't make it any less predictable or derivative. One of my friends mentioned that she'd been watching Silo, so after the Mariners win, we put on the first episode, and while it also feels derivative (The Hunger Games meets Snowpiercer meets Equilibrium), it has a lot of actors I like and held my interest. Birds we met at Green Lake: 

2023-05-21 15.08.37

2023-05-21 15.34.10

2023-05-21 15.30.22

2023-05-21 15.01.10

2023-05-21 13.40.38

2023-05-21 15.09.23

2023-05-21 14.30.36

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