Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Poem for Monday and Fire Alarm

The Scare-fire
By Robert Herrick

Water, water I desire,
Here's a house of flesh on fire;
Ope the fountains and the springs,
And come all to bucketings:
What ye cannot quench pull down;
Spoil a house to save a town:
Better 'tis that one should fall,
Than by one to hazard all.


My Monday morning was uneventful -- laundry got done, a bit of food shopping was accomplished, some earrings were repaired -- and tonight I am cranky because our apartment complex has decided to enforce a "no bird feeders because they may attract rats" policy (which is true, we've seen rats two levels down in the swamp) but they aren't doing a good job enforcing the no-smoking policy because the last two nights after dark, someone has been smoking like a chimney, ruining beautiful nights with windows open. 

Meanwhile we did have afternoon excitement because after our walk to the beach, one of the neighbor kids decided to pull the fire alarm to see what would happen, and what happened was that four buildings' alarms went off and the fire department had to come check things and turn them off. I believe the kids were read the riot act but they don't speak much English so hopefully it got through. Now we're watching the second-to-last Endeavour and you can see photos of our proof that at least our fire alarms work: 

2023-06-26 17.12.44

2023-06-26 17.12.58

2023-06-26 17.15.55

2023-06-26 17.11.10

2023-06-26 17.09.24

2023-06-26 17.09.45

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