Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Poem for Monday and Farm Animal Races

Country Fair
By Charles Simic

for Hayden Carruth

If you didn't see the six-legged dog,
It doesn't matter.
We did, and he mostly lay in the corner.
As for the extra legs,

One got used to them quickly
And thought of other things.
Like, what a cold, dark night
To be out at the fair.

Then the keeper threw a stick
And the dog went after it
On four legs, the other two flapping behind,
Which made one girl shriek with laughter.

She was drunk and so was the man
Who kept kissing her neck.
The dog got the stick and looked back at us.
And that was the whole show.


My Monday was uneventful -- laundry, rug-sweeping, two Cats-themed bracelets for the Taylor Swift concert because Reddit reminded me that "Beautiful Ghosts" is fair game. It was rainy early in the morning and overcast most of the day, so it was beautifully cool, and we walked on the dock twice to see the birds as well as to the beach in the afternoon. 

We watched the Orioles lose to the Dodgers and the Mariners squeak by the Twins before a hilarious Miracle Workers (the virtual sex therapy episode in which Daniel Radcliffe nearly outdoes his "She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain" performance, hahaha). Here are some pics of the sheep, goat, duck, and pig races from the King County Fair on Sunday: 

2023-07-16 14.14.30

2023-07-16 14.16.50

2023-07-16 14.08.20A

2023-07-16 14.11.21

2023-07-16 12.31.45

2023-07-16 12.38.08

2023-07-16 12.43.10

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