Friday, July 21, 2023

Poem for Thursday and Fair Farm Animals

The Vampire
By Madison Julius Cawein

A lily in a twilight place?
A moonflow'r in the lonely night?—
Strange beauty of a woman's face
      Of wildflow'r-white!

The rain that hangs a star's green ray
Slim on a leaf-point's restlessness,
Is not so glimmering green and gray
      As was her dress.

I drew her dark hair from her eyes,
And in their deeps beheld a while
Such shadowy moonlight as the skies
      Of Hell may smile.

She held her mouth up redly wan,
And burning cold,—I bent and kissed
Such rosy snow as some wild dawn
      Makes of a mist.

God shall not take from me that hour,
When round my neck her white arms clung!
When ‘neath my lips, like some fierce flower,
      Her white throat swung!

Or words she murmured while she leaned!
Witch-words, she holds me softly by,—
The spell that binds me to a fiend
      Until I die.


We did a bunch of chores Thursday but the result is that we now have a fully together second bedroom with a collapsible table, blinds over the window, art on the walls, and as little cat fur as possible on the couch. It looks pretty good! Once again it was very hot, so we didn't do a huge amount of walking, especially since we had to go to Home Depot for drywall anchors for said blinds and to Blazing Bagels for guess what, where we met a woman from a parrot rescue who brings birds to educational events and she introduced us to her parrots. 

Only 3/6 of my usual Thursday chat group made it to Zoom, but we had a fun discussion about Barbie and Oppenheimer anyway. Then we watched Strange New Worlds, which continues to be extremely enjoyable (sure, there are some things that don't align perfectly with original series canon, which was also true of ST:TNG, so I don't care since they have the characters right). And now it's time for What We Do in the Shadows and Laszlo is competing to be the most bisexual character. Farm animals we met at the King County fair: 

2023-07-16 13.20.13

2023-07-16 13.39.22

2023-07-16 13.43.43

2023-07-16 13.07.06

2023-07-16 12.22.11

2023-07-16 13.51.57

2023-07-16 12.21.10

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