Monday, August 07, 2023

Greetings from Issaquah

Sunday dawned overcast but got progressively clearer as the day went on, turning into a gorgeous afternoon. We had a quiet morning doing chores and stuff, then went to Issaquah for the Lammas PNW Witches' Market at Pickering Barn. I had read that the market takes place on each of the major and minor sabbats, and had no idea what to expect -- since it's so many times a year, and since the Washington Renaissance Faire coincides with this one, I thought it might be a few merchants like the last DC Pagan Pride event I attended. It was, rather, fantastic -- there were potters, perfumers, crystal and fossil traders, soap makers, clothing designers, card readers and sellers, people wearing everything from tie dye to Victorian garb to Pride gear, plus there was food for sale, and it was all in a pretty park! 

Since we were in Issaquah, we decided to stop at the salmon hatchery even though it's too early in the season for the chinook to have returned. We still got to see coho fry in the big holding tanks and tiny trout waiting to be released into the river, plus there's a local plant garden and for the first time since we've been going there, the store with indigenous and fish-related items was open. We also stopped at Safeway while we were out for essentials for the week. Then we came home for dinner and a walk on the dock at twilight, where there were high, colorful puffs of cloud. When we came back inside, we watched a special on Tolkien's Britain, and now we're watching one on the lost Spanish treasure fleet of 1715. Here are some photos of the Witches' Market and the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery: 

2023-08-06 13.54.19

2023-08-06 14.55.30

2023-08-06 14.39.39

2023-08-06 14.57.48

2023-08-06 13.38.26

2023-08-06 15.31.57

2023-08-06 15.45.28

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