Saturday, August 12, 2023

Poem for Friday and Issaquah Plants

Near Miss
By Fanny Howe

I almost met you
On a Saturday
In Gloucester.
The wind blew easterly.
There was a jar of mums
On a table near the window.

Their yellows were calling
To each other.

Were put back
In the pencil drawer
Before I noticed your shadow.


On Friday I deleted my photos from my desktop computer, which was traumatic even though I have them backed up in three places. While I was doing that, I scanned some papers we either found while unpacking or obtained since moving here (pet licenses, medical information) and reconnected with an old friend who has a new Facebook name so it took me a while to find her! We had perfect weather to walk to the beach, the ice cream stand was open, I got to have my feet in the lake and there was a little green heron off the dock, plus I discovered that I won an awesome sparkly turtle guardian that came with a different order. 

My evening entertainment was Red, White and Royal Blue, the movie in which Uma Thurman is the President of the United States and her son is in love with a British prince, which is a total delight in pretty much every way (William, sorry, "Philip" is a total dick and Beatrice is their sister instead of their cousin, the king makes me howl, the spontaneous pride demonstration is really heartwarming). Then we watched the Mariners beat the Orioles -- I would like both teams to make the playoffs -- and now we're watching this week's Foundation. Plants from the Native Plant Garden at the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery: 

2023-08-06 15.40.16

2023-08-06 15.38.05

2023-08-06 15.39.14

2023-08-06 15.41.16

2023-08-06 15.32.17

2023-08-06 15.40.36

2023-08-06 15.14.06

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