Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Poem for Tuesday and Last Night's Mariners

By Amy Lowell

I do not care to talk to you although
Your speech evokes a thousand sympathies,
And all my being’s silent harmonies
Wake trembling into music. When you go
It is as if some sudden, dreadful blow
Had severed all the strings with savage ease.
No, do not talk; but let us rather seize
This intimate gift of silence which we know.
Others may guess your thoughts from what you say,
As storms are guessed from clouds where darkness broods.
To me the very essence of the day
Reveals its inner purpose and its moods;
As poplars feel the rain and then straightway
Reverse their leaves and shimmer through the woods.


My Tuesday involved a dentist appointment at which I learned that an old filling had not only cracked, but cracked the tooth beneath it, meaning I need to get a crown tomorrow, and then the first thunderstorm we've had since moving out here, meaning that the cats were beside themselves at not having a basement to hide in. In between, I had to deal with finding out that the post office had lost a package of mine (you have not been in voicemail hell or internet hell until you've tried to submit a tracking number that neither system will accept, though when you finally get through you learn that it was the right number tall along). 

So other than chatting with most of my Voyager group, who ended up deciding we didn't need to watch anything this week so we just talked for an hour and a half, and watching Ahsoka with Cheryl, it was not my favorite day. I still have a sore throat from trying not to choke on my own spit while having my teeth cleaned, sure to get worse tomorrow; how do seniors not die of pneumonia after dentist appointments with the new waterboarding tools? And the Mariners lost their starting pitcher to illness and two of their best players to injuries, so they lost to the As. So here are some photos from happier times last night: 

2023-08-28 17.26.48

2023-08-28 17.00.42A

2023-08-28 17.02.32

2023-08-28 17.02.09

2023-08-28 18.23.06

2023-08-28 18.30.40

2023-08-28 18.48.44

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