Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Poem for Tuesday and Marymoor Ducks

Above the Dock
By T.E. Hulme

Above the quiet dock in mid night,
Tangled in the tall mast’s corded height,
Hangs the moon. What seemed so far away
Is but a child’s balloon, forgotten after play.


Tuesday was, yet again, a spectacular day, just under 80 degrees and breezy in the shade. My morning involved unexciting things like finishing the laundry and cleaning the sink, then we had lunch and took a walk to the beach, which had a lot of people for a Tuesday during work hours. My Voyager group watched the seventh episode of the third season of Picard, which was not my favorite but had a lovely LaForge/Data scene. 

We watched Mont Saint-Michel: Resistance Through the Ages on Amazon Prime because we spotted it while looking for something else, and it was very enjoyable, made me nostalgic for visiting several years ago. Then we went out to see the sturgeon supermoon, which is gorgeous over the lake! Speaking of the lake, here are some ducks and geese we saw in the Sammamish River and Lake Sammamish at Marymoor Park on Sunday: 

2023-07-30 15.36.25

2023-07-30 15.35.52

2023-07-30 15.37.35

2023-07-30 15.24.05

2023-07-30 15.36.44

2023-07-30 15.35.44

2023-07-30 15.48.42

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