Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Greetings from India Bistro

Another quickie on my older son's 30th birthday! We had pouring rain much of the day, so I had a morning of folding laundry and cleaning things in the kitchen, then an afternoon watching the Orioles pre-game because legendary third baseman Brooks Robinson died and we knew they'd be interviewing everyone from Jim Palmer to Gunnar Henderson. 

The Os won the game, though I heard about it via a friend because we'd picked up Adam and gone to meet Daniel (who had intended to take the afternoon off, but wound up being called to work) and Cahaya. We talked to my parents on the way to India Bistro, where we all shared lots of delicious food, then went back to son's house for cake by Paul. See if you can tell which members of the family were not allowed to have any dessert: 

2023-09-26 19.29.10

2023-09-26 19.29.03

2023-09-26 20.46.01

2023-09-26 20.46.57

2023-09-26 20.47.02

2023-09-26 20.52.48

2023-09-26 21.21.55

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