Saturday, September 30, 2023

Poem for Friday and Mariners Game

The Abominable Baseball Bat
By X.J. Kennedy

I swung and swung at empty air
And when I heard the umpire
Behind me shout, "Strike three - you're out!"
My bat turned to a vampire.

The whole team had to pry it loose.
Poor Ump looked sorta flat.
Now ever since, my bat and I
Walk every time we bat.


We had gorgeous weather on Friday after our week of rain, so after a morning of boring stuff, we took a long walk -- to the park, around the beach, and then up to the Ling Shen Ching Tze Buddhist Temple, which is a large, beautiful complex on a local cul-de-sac that I'd wanted to see since I discovered its existence. 

We watched most of the Orioles loss and all of the Mariners victory with breaks for this week's Wheel of Time (Team Anvaere!) and, afterward, Billions (Team Nancy Dunlop -- I mean, I don't really know her well enough to like her but she has to be better than these men). Last night's Mariners game from the anthem to the victory: 

2023-09-28 19.48.42

2023-09-28 16.52.40

2023-09-28 18.32.40

2023-09-28 18.28.42

2023-09-28 19.37.26

2023-09-28 19.37.30

2023-09-28 20.10.38

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