Thursday, September 07, 2023

Poem for Wednesday and Larsen Lake Blueberry Farm

From A Midsummer Night's Dream Act 2, Scene 1
By William Shakespeare

Once I sat upon a promontory,
And heard a mermaid on a dolphin's back
Uttering such dulcet and harmonious breath
That the rude sea grew civil at her song,
And certain stars shot madly from their spheres,
To hear the sea-maid's music.


Wednesday was our quietest day this week -- just work around the house and two long Zoom calls, one with my high school friends (split in half because the one with back to school meetings arrived just as the one with a dog to walk had to leave) and one with Kristen  to watch the first half of Ant-Man and the Wasp. We also took a walk to the beach when it got warmer in the afternoon, though it was in the low 60s all morning and all evening and I do not envy people sweltering on the east coat! Here is how early fall looked in the blueberry patch last weekend: 

2023-09-01 14.49.20

2023-09-01 14.57.55

2023-09-01 15.02.11

2023-09-01 14.16.17

2023-09-01 14.16.55

2023-09-01 15.01.38

2023-09-01 14.15.41 

We watched a bit of the Mariners and most of the Orioles victories around dinner, then we watched the live-action Little Mermaid, which was...fine, I guess? Halle Bailey is enjoyable though seems constrained trying to mimic a cartoon, Melissa McCarthy chews scenery, Eric has more of a personality and backstory but really does not need his own Lin-Manuel Miranda song interrupting Ariel's story. I'd rather have kept René Auberjonois (well, anyone) singing "Les Poissons"! My favorite part was the extra feature about the Alvin Ailey troupe dancing "Under the Sea"!

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