Saturday, October 07, 2023

Greetings from Marymoor

Summer returned for a bit on Friday, with temperatures in the 70s and not a cloud in the sky. It was a perfect day for a walk at Marymoor, which was the only fun thing I did because 1) my glasses are broken and the place I tried to get in to get new ones that's on our VSP plan said they have no appointments till January, and 2) my computer is refusing to run any of the basic photo apps (weirdly, it will run Photoshop, but I can't just scroll through photos in any photo browser) and hours of trying different fixes have accomplished nothing. 

So apart from watching the new season of Lupin while working on things, I did not accomplish much besides finding a Tarot deck I thought had been lost in the move; it was merely buried under a lot of things. Have some Marymoor and Lake Sammamish photos: 

2023-10-06 16.42.27

2023-10-06 16.37.22

2023-10-06 16.25.40

2023-10-06 16.16.16

2023-10-06 16.07.49

2023-10-06 16.23.39

2023-10-06 16.22.32

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