Saturday, October 28, 2023

Poem for Friday and Snoqualmie

By Lauris Dorothy Edmond

I do not ask for youth, nor for delay
in the rising of time's irreversible river
that takes the jewelled arc of the waterfall
in which I glimpse, minute by glinting minute,
all that I have and all I am always losing
as sunlight lights each drop fast, fast falling.

I do not dream that you, young again,
might come to me darkly in love's green darkness
where the dust of the bracken spices the air
moss, crushed, gives out an astringent sweetness
and water holds our reflections
motionless, as if for ever.

It is enough now to come into a room
and find the kindness we have for each other
— calling it love — in eyes that are shrewd
but trustful still, face chastened by years
of careful judgement; to sit in the afternoons
in mild conversation, without nostalgia.

But when you leave me, with your jauntiness
sinewed by resolution more than strength
— suddenly then I love you with a quick
intensity, remembering that water,
however luminous and grand, falls fast
and only once to the dark pool below.


My computer is giving me an Adobe IPC Broker error that pops up a window that won't go away, or comes back the next time I reboot, no matter how many times I repair or reinstall Photoshop, and it won't let me open Windows' own Photos app, and I am back to ready to murder someone or at the very least throw the computer over the balcony to let the rats gnaw on it. So I am in the same bad mood of the past three weeks. 

Otherwise, it was a nice day, quite cool, files sorted, photos filed, cats snuggled, the beach was nearly empty apart from geese and beautiful, World Series game one was a lot more exciting than I expected given that I don't have strong feelings about who I want to win! And we watched Lego Marvel Avengers: Code Red on Disney+, which is pretty silly but enjoyable (and has an appearance by Throg!), though it's no Frost Fight

We also watched the series finale of Billions, which was surprisingly upbeat, pretty much the opposite of the Succession finale; pretty much everyone got some kind of redemption arc or got away clean whether they deserved it or not, relationships were mostly warm and fuzzy, everyone stayed rich, and I'm not even sure how I feel about that. Here are some photos of Snoqualmie Falls and Salish Lodge from last weekend: 

2023-10-21 14.13.03 
2023-10-21 13.59.24 
2023-10-21 14.14.29 
2023-10-21 13.18.41A 
2023-10-21 14.14.55 
2023-10-21 13.19.22 
2023-10-21 13.22.03

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