Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Poem for Monday and Camlann Villagers

Of Every Kind of Tree
By Anonymous (13th-14th century)

Of every kinnë tre,
Of every kinnë tre,
The hawthorn blowëth swetest,
Of every kinnë tre.

My lemman she shal be,
My lemman she shal be,
The fairest of every kinnë,
My lemman she shal be.


We had a rainy Monday, which was fine because my only important appointment was for a med checkup. I did a bunch of chores in the morning, went to the doctor, then we went to Rite-Aid and Safeway since we were right near them and never made it there over the weekend. Everyone is moving Christmas stuff in right behind the Halloween decorations. 

Around dinner (veggie dogs and leftovers), we watched Monday Night Football and a decisive Seahawks victory. Then we watched the end of the seventh season and start of the eighth season of Grantchester, which goes very dark very fast. Here are some of the people who work at Camlann Medieval Village -- the blacksmith, the potter, the cidermaker and more: 

2023-10-01 13.38.33

2023-10-01 13.27.52

2023-10-01 13.54.41

2023-10-01 12.25.07

2023-10-01 14.31.47

2023-10-01 13.12.02

2023-10-01 12.58.04

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