Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Poem for Tuesday and Issaquah Apple Fest

By Clint Smith

On another night
in a hotel
in a room
in a city
flanked by all
that is unfamiliar
I am able to move
my finger along
a glass screen
once across
once vertical
& in seconds
see your mother
smiling in a room
that is our own
that is now so
far away but
also not so far
away at all
& she can place
the small screen
near her belly
& when I speak
I can see you
moving beneath
her skin as if you
knew that this
distance was
only temporary
& what a small
yet profound
joy it is to be some-
where that is not
with you but to
still be with you
& see your feet
dance beneath
her rib cage like
you knew we’d
both be dancing
together soon.


On Tuesday, for as little reason as it started working again, my computer gave me the blue screen of death and told me it could not start up correctly. It ran the Windows repair scan, again told me there was absolutely nothing wrong, then told me once more it could not start up correctly. And then, when I exited the diagnostic, it started up and didn't give me an error for the rest of the afternoon. So I have no idea what's wrong, when it will become unworkable again, or what in hell I can do at this point to fix anything. 

We had rain in the afternoon, but we knew it was coming so we took a walk in lovely cool weather to the beach at lunchtime. One of my earrings fell out so then I retraced my steps until I found it, which I fortunately did. My Voyager group (everyone this week!) watched "Dragon's Teeth" which none of us remembered but which actually did not suck, then we watched the last game of the NLCS, which was exciting though I feel badly for the Phillies players I like. Now, more Suits. Some pictures from the apple festival in Issaquah last Saturday:

2023-10-21 12.07.08

2023-10-21 12.02.51

2023-10-21 11.52.11

2023-10-21 11.49.56

2023-10-21 12.03.57

2023-10-21 11.51.21

2023-10-21 12.02.02

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