Monday, January 22, 2024

Greetings from Ballard

It rained nearly all day on Sunday, though it was in the mid-40s, so it wasn't very cold or unpleasant to be outdoors. We watched the beginning of the Lions-Buccaneers game over lunch (yay Detroit), then we went to Ballard, where we visited the shops at the National Nordic Museum and the Scandinavian Specialties store; we saw lots of winter goods on sale and I tried on sweaters, though we only bought food. We also stopped to see the Dambo troll while we were in the area. Then we went home to feed the cats and do a couple of chores. 

In the late afternoon, we went to see Mean Girls, which is fun though I wouldn't say great -- the musical numbers have been sharpened since we saw the stage show in DC a couple of years ago, but no one in the cast has the dynamic wit of the older film and I missed some of the iconic lines (cutting jokes about the coach sleeping with students was a good plan, but "Boo, you whore" really could have stayed), though there are some entertaining cameos. I didn't like the end of the Buffalo game, so I wasn't sorry we missed most of it!

2024-01-21 13.40.40

2024-01-21 13.48.28

2024-01-21 14.21.22

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2024-01-21 14.23.32

2024-01-21 15.38.19

2024-01-21 15.38.39

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