Sunday, January 07, 2024

Greetings from Green Lake

We had rain forecast for Saturday, but except for a couple of random sprinkles, it didn't arrive until very late in the afternoon -- meaning we had a really nice day. Cahaya, Daniel's fiancee, was supposed to return in the middle of the day from a business trip to Chicago, but because of the grounding of the Boeing 737 MAX 9 fleet, she had to take a much later flight, and Adam's friend Kevin from Maryland was staying with him but had brunch plans with former coworkers. So we met both kids for acai bowls, pão de queijo, and Brazilian coffee at Kitanda, then we walked all three dogs around Green Lake and admired the waterfowl. 

When we got back to Daniel's house under dark clouds, Adam headed home with Pepper, and we hung out with Daniel, Theo, and Thandi for an hour because the rain and some hail began to fall and we didn't feel like walking to the car and getting soaked. Then the rain moved past, we came home to feed our cats, we watched the end of the Colts-Texans game that eliminated Indianapolis, and now we're watching the end of the second season of The Morning Show, which I thought I didn't like as much as the first season but has really picked up its storytelling in the last four episodes. Here are my family and dogs today!

2024-01-06 13.29.38

2024-01-06 13.30.04

2024-01-06 14.13.53

2024-01-06 14.30.06

2024-01-06 15.53.25

2024-01-06 14.10.19

2024-01-06 16.50.53

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