Sunday, January 28, 2024

Greetings from Juanita Beach

It rained on and off on Saturday, fairly hard at times, but it was pretty warm, so we watched the ice dance competition at US nationals on TV around lunch, then we went to Juanita Beach Park so we could see the trumpeter swans that winter there before they head back to Canada and Alaska. We also saw buffleheads, wood ducks, wigeons, mallards, and we heard red-winged blackbirds though we didn't spot any. It was a gorgeous day to walk on beaches and on boardwalks in the woods, even if hats and raincoats were necessary. 







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We stopped at the Safeway in Kirkland on the way home to get food for the week, then we came home, watched the pairs competition at US nationals, ate dinner, and put on Set It Up because Kay told me she thought I would like it and she's usually right. I did like it -- the cast is entertaining, the women are there for each other, the men know they're jerks -- and it's set in the New York of White Collar, which we're coming to the end of so I hope the rumors of a revival are true. Now to see if SNL is any good this week...

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