Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Poem for Tuesday and Farm Fun

On Perseus and Medusa 
By Richard Chenevix Trench 

On Benvenuto Cellini's sculpture of Perseus and Medusa 

In what fierce spasms upgathered, on the plain
Medusa's headless corpse has quivering sunk,
While all the limbs of that undying trunk
To their extremest joint with torture strain;
But the calm visage has resumed again
Its beauty--the orbed eyelids are let down,
As though a living sleep might once more crown
Their placid circlets, guiltless of all pain.
And thou--is thine the spirit's swift recoil,
Which follows every deed of acted wrath,
That, holding in thine hand this loveliest spoil,
Thou dost not triumph, feeling that the breath
Of life is sacred, whether it inform,
Loathly or beauteous, man or beast or worm? 


Tuesday was even warmer than Monday and we had no rain during daylight hours! So I did a bunch of work in the morning, we enjoyed our bagels, then we took a walk to the park, visited the eagles, and I watched Voyager's "Memorial" with my Tuesday night group, which I hadn't remembered but was pretty good despite being derivative of other episodes. 

We had tacos for dinner (see the day), then we watched this week's Percy Jackson, the season finale, which I thought wrapped things up nicely, and now we're watching the start of the sixth season of White Collar -- also the end of a show, so I will need a new binge soon! Kelsey Creek Farm Park has gnomes in its trees and both wild and farm animals:

2023-12-02 16.27.09

2023-12-02 16.27.25

2024-01-28 16.20.45

2024-01-28 16.20.57

2024-01-28 16.18.17

2024-01-28 16.05.46

2024-01-28 16.21.34

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