Saturday, March 16, 2024

Greetings from Pi Day and Bai Tong

Quickie -- we went out to dinner with Paul's cousin Craig and his wife Lisa at Bai Tong, a Thai restaurant near the Safeway we usually go to that we hadn't tried yet though Lisa highly recommended, and the food was excellent...then we came back here for tollhouse pie from Pi Day yesterday and caught up on a few years' worth of stuff! 

So that was lovely, and the rest of the day was good: Katniss is recovered enough to steal human food, we went out for bagels at lunchtime so I had a very fresh bagel for lunch, the weather was magnificent for a walk to the park. Now we're catching up on The Masked Singer, whose season premiere I somehow overlooked. The past few days:

2024-03-04 21.29.56

2024-03-13 12.00.16

2024-03-13 12.19.02

2024-03-14 20.18.05


2024-03-15 19.09.47

2024-03-15 19.10.49

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