Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Poem for Tuesday and UW Cherry Blossoms

Under the cherry blossoms 
By Kobayashi Issa 
Translated by Zoria P. K. 

Under the cherry blossoms 
strangers are not 
really strangers 


Tuesday's weather was as beautiful as the weekend's, so it's just as well we had things that had to be done outside. We got some work done in the morning, then Paul had an eye doctor appointment (nothing as dramatic as mine the day before), so I went with him and walked toward downtown Redmond because I knew there were cherry blossoms near the skate park and fire station. The University of Washington's famous cherry blossoms are also at peak, so we then went to walk on the campus there and had a glorious afternoon on the official first day of spring.

2024-03-19 15.30.28

2024-03-19 15.33.08

2024-03-19 15.43.25

2024-03-19 15.48.35

2024-03-19 16.08.17

2024-03-19 16.10.37

2024-03-19 15.33.20 

We got home a bit late for me to chat with my Voyager group but I did arrive in time to watch nearly all of "Ashes to Ashes" -- an episode I had completely forgotten, probably because, while it isn't especially terrible, it contradicts early season canon about Harry Kim, belatedly inserts a character we're supposed to care about but have never seen before, and ends without future consequence. Afterward, we watched Marlowe, which has an uneven script with a bunch of predictable gimmicks but fairly enjoyable performances, particularly Liam Neeson's and Jessica Lange's.

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