Monday, April 22, 2024

Greetings from Potomac

Back from huge fabulous Passover meal at my parents' house with Adam and Haley, after I got to spend the day with the latter two because Paul had to work (which was the reason we could work out coming east for the holiday). We took a walk around Washingtonian Lake with Pepper, then went to Montgomery Mall, where we met my father for lunch after taking some photos of the cherry blossom decorations and attempting to recreate a photo of Adam and Haley from 2015, when myself and one of my oldest friends -- their moms -- made them meet at the mall to discuss summer internship programs. 

We went to McCrillis Garden, where the azaleas were in bloom and beautiful, and took a walk around our old neighborhood, which also had lots of flowers and gave Adam an opportunity to tell Haley about various places he and his friends got into trouble when they were younger. I ran into one of my neighborhood friends whom I'm still in touch with because we both play Pokemon Go. Then we went to my parents' for Passover, though first we took a walk around their neighborhood since Haley's grandparents lived there for many decades. I even got to talk briefly to my sister. Chag Sameach!

2024-04-22 12.05.30 
 Mall Cherry Blossoms

2024-04-22 12.09.26 
Attempted recreation of...

2015-12-29 14.53.57 
...this pic from 2015 

2024-04-22 12.31.55 
Lunch with my dad (most of us got Cava)

2024-04-22 13.39.36A 
McCrillis Garden mansion

2024-04-22 14.13.52A 
Kids in azaleas

2024-04-22 14.06.50 
Pepper in azaleas 

2024-04-22 14.45.56 
On the swingset in our old neighborhood

2024-04-22 20.01.20 
Frogs on our heads for Passover

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