Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Poem for Tuesday and State Fair Reptiles

The Old Lizard 
By Federico García Lorca 
Translated by Lysander Kemp 

In the parched path 
I have seen the good lizard 
(one drop of crocodile) 
With his green frock-coat 
of an abbot of the devil, 
his correct bearing 
and his stiff collar, 
he has the sad air 
of an old professor. 
Those faded eyes 
of a broken artist, 
how they watch the afternoon 
in dismay!

Is this, my friend, 
your twilight constitutional? 
Please use your cane, 
you are very old, Mr. Lizard, 
and the children of the village 
may startle you.
What are you seeking in the path, 
my near-sighted philosopher, 
if the wavering phantasm 
of the parched afternoon 
has broken the horizon? 

Are you seeking the blue alms 
of the moribund heaven? 
A penny of a star? 
Or perhaps 
you've been reading a volume 
of Lamartine, and you relish 
the plateresque trills 
of the birds? 

(You watch the setting sun, 
and your eyes shine, 
oh, dragon of the frogs, 
with a human radiance. 
Ideas, gondolas without oars, 
cross the shadowy 
waters of your 
burnt-out eyes.) 

Have you come looking 
for that lovely lady lizard, 
green as the wheatfields 
of May, 
as the long locks
of sleeping pools, 
who scorned you, and then 
left you in your field? 
Oh, sweet idyll, broken 
among the sweet sedges! 
But, live! What the devil! 
I like you. 
The motto "I oppose 
the serpent" triumphs 
in that grand double chin 
of a Christian archbishop. 

Now the sun has dissolved 
in the cup of the mountains, 
and the flocks 
cloud the roadway. 
It is the hour to depart: 
leave the dry path 
and your meditations. 
You will have time 
to look at the stars 
when the worms are eating you 
at their leisure.

Go home to your house 
by the village, of the crickets! 
Good night, my friend 
Mr. Lizard! 

Now the field is empty, 
the mountains dim, 
the roadway deserted. 
Only, now and again, 
a cuckoo sings in the darkness 
of the poplar trees.


My Tuesday morning was fairly quiet, but I got to have lunch with my friend Susan from high school, whom I haven't seen in nearly 40 years! We met at Nordstrom Cafe in Bellevue Square -- I brought Paul, she brought her mother, with whom she is staying after coming into town for her brother's birthday -- and had a lovely time catching up. She was close friends with two of the people I talk to every Wednesday, and I have photos of us all trick or treating together long ago. Afterward I did a bunch of pre-Passover-related chores before we took a walk to the park in cooler but nice weather. 

My Voyager group watched "Muse" (an episode I had entirely forgotten, which was more fun than I'd have guessed I found any stories this late in the show's run, given the gratuitous shippiness) before dinner, after which we watched The Pigeon Tunnel, Apple's documentary on the life and work of John le Carré (life in many cases much stranger than fiction, especially where his father is concerned). From the reptile show at the spring state fair, the Argentine black and white tegu, Sonoran gophersnake, giant tortoise, western rattlesnake, blue tongue skink, water monitor, and California kingsnake:

2024-04-13 15.30.42

2024-04-13 15.29.24

2024-04-13 15.22.10

2024-04-13 15.22.42

2024-04-13 15.32.08

2024-04-13 15.31.45

2024-04-13 15.28.58

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