Sunday, May 12, 2024

Greetings from Alki

We had yet another gorgeous day on Saturday, though we slept in because we had been up late looking at the aurora! I had a nice morning scrolling through people's photos from all over the northern hemisphere -- since we got no eclipse here, it was nice to have an astronomical event we could share! -- then we ate bagels and went to Constellation Park, the side of Alki Point with tidepools. We arrived near low tide and got to see many animals -- sea stars, chitons, crabs, sea cucumbers, anemones, moon snails making egg collars, seagulls and crows trying to snack on several of these -- wading in water that was warmer than expected.

2024-05-11 14.22.53

2024-05-11 14.43.39

2024-05-11 14.39.00

2024-05-11 14.32.38

2024-05-11 14.21.13

2024-05-11 14.16.32

2024-05-11 13.56.25 

We came home in the late afternoon, just missing the end of the 11-inning Orioles victory, and took a walk in the neighborhood to see how the ducks and herons felt about having had their evening interrupted by auroras. Then we watched the two new episodes of Doctor Who, which were...enjoyable and really fluffy, I want to say? I like 15 and Ruby, they have nice back-and-forth and I appreciate that she's much more in love with the TARDIS than with the Doctor, but there's been no sense of any real stakes so far amidst all the foreshadowing about Ruby's mysterious birth causing an impending Big Disastrous Event.

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