Monday, May 06, 2024

Greetings from Camlann

It rained on Sunday and was quite chilly for May, though we didn't let that stop us from going to the May Festival at Camlann, the Medieval living history village in Carnation. Because of the weather, the archers couldn't fire their arrows and no one was dancing around the maypole, but we still got to see the magician and minstrels and watch the blacksmith, potter, shoemaker, and garland weaver demonstrating their professions.

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2024-05-05 15.07.03 

I bought a little coin bag (oh fine, a dice bag) with a dragon flying above the Lonely Mountain -- an anachronism for 1376 that I was in the mood for, since I had seen in the news before we left that Bernard Hill had died. Since we were pretty wet and cold, we headed home for hot chocolate and eventually dinner, and I got in the mood to watch LOTR: The Two Towers because I'd been thinking of speeches of Theoden's all afternoon.

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