Monday, August 19, 2024

Greetings from Green Lake

Cahaya is in Chicago for the weekend following a work trip, so on Sunday we went to Green Lake to meet Daniel for brunch and a visit to the park with the dogs. We took them to the Greenlake Bar and Grill, where the humans had various egg dishes while Theo and Thandi waited impatiently, then we walked the three miles around Green Lake and caught Beldums -- Daniel and I had a lucky trade, so now we each have a big shiny Metagross with Meteor Mash, too. The dogs did some lunging and barking at other dogs but were reasonably well behaved and quite tired afterward. 

When we got back to Daniel's house after a stop for drinks in Greenlake Plaza, dark clouds had rolled in, so we stayed put until the wind died down. By then it was dinnertime, so we all went to Kitanda -- our original brunch plan, but they were temporarily out of acai -- and ate acai bowls. The storm had passed and there was a rainbow over the city when we drove home. We saw this week's Snowpiercer (finally Sean Bean; now we better get a scene where Wilford, Melanie, and Layton all get together, I mean have it out) and now we're watching Orphan Black: Echoes (go Jules!).

2024-08-18 12.57.36

2024-08-18 16.10.03

2024-08-18 13.09.01

2024-08-18 15.33.09

2024-08-18 16.30.44

2024-08-18 16.40.35

2024-08-18 18.09.38

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