Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Poem for Monday and Bellevue Dahlias

To Dahlia 
By Paul Verlaine 
Translated by Walter Wykes 

Lovely harlot
With your hard black eyes
And your soft budding breasts
Shameless flower of the damned
Your aroma overwhelms my senses
I am driven to possess you
But you scarcely feel my flesh
I make no impression
Bland on your bewitching tongue, I have no taste
You exhale my desire like smoke
Incense sacrificed to your unyielding beauty


Monday was mostly a chore day around here, though some of them were fun. We went out to pick up Blazing Bagels and a couple of outdoor pillows at World Market, which means we also got to look at the fall and Halloween decorations. It drizzled a little while we were out, but had stopped by the time we finished lunch, and after the laundry was done, we went for a walk and saw a couple of herons, osprey, and red-winged blackbirds. 

We got a jar of the delicious tomato and basil soup at World Market, which we had for dinner with grilled cheese, then we watched the delightful end of the Mariners-Rays game (much better than the unfortunate Nats-Yankees game). Now we're watching Ridley, which is well-written, well-acted, and depressing -- reminds me of later Endeavour and Wallander. Here are some of the dahlias at the Bellevue Botanical Garden from yesterday:

2024-08-25 13.21.32

2024-08-25 13.20.11

2024-08-25 13.21.54

2024-08-25 13.19.35

2024-08-25 13.22.02

2024-08-25 13.20.27

2024-08-25 13.19.53

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