Monday, August 12, 2024

Poem for Sunday and Bellevue Parks

This Blue Vase 
By Peter Campion 

shows more than the morning clarities
of sun through leaves than through these windows.
Each thing is imbued by others. And staring
at the convex glass, I see the falls
in the one picture that held me enthralled
while you walked on through the gallery.

Even back then I must have felt
the photograph’s stark black and white
trapping the glow off tons of water
in its whole minute of exposure
one hundred years before we were born
as weirdly relevant: how barns
and long gone houses’ clapboard sides
above where shadowed cliff-face slid
vertiginously toward the falls
reflected all my naïve bewilderment
seeing what I’d thought permanent
turn so starkly half unreal.

But this morning, watching sunlight steal
across this table’s lacquered pine,
I still sense, through the smallest glints,
your presence still fusing all I see with you.
Blue irises from this vase’s blue.


We had lovely cooler weather on Sunday, so after some morning chores and the Orioles game, which did not end well, we went to Bellevue. We had a couple of shopping stops to make, but first we went to Kelsey Creek Farm to see the animals and walk around the trail by the salmon stream, then we went to Bellevue Botanical Garden to see the summer flowers and the low water under the ravine bridge.

2024-08-11 13.46.24

2024-08-11 13.52.07

2024-08-11 14.59.27

2024-08-11 14.24.31

2024-08-11 14.26.13

2024-08-11 14.42.54B

2024-08-11 15.00.45 

We saw the Mariners game, which went much better than the Orioles game (Cal Raleigh!), then a bit of the Olympics closing ceremony, but I'm so pissed about what the IOC did to Jordan Chiles that I wasn't in the mood. Instead we watched this week's Snowpiercer (good, but I'm missing Melanie and Wilford) and Orphan Black: Echoes (love the age-separated Eleanors but wish the endgame were clearer).

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