Thursday, August 08, 2024

Poem for Wednesday and Blue Angels

By Idrissa Simmonds 

I call to ask my mother the name of the street where we bought the suitcases when we left
Brooklyn. A better question would have been how did it feel to be sliced from the rib of Pine and
Loring and sent, like a kite, up North. Or tell me what your mother said to you in her grand rear
room the night we left, seated on the edge of her bed in her nightgown, muted in the low light.
So many bellies in the house. Cacophony of kreyol and Brooklyn buk and sweet sweat across the
walls. Did she tell you to follow your husband. Did she tell you anything about us. How, above
all, you should keep us anchored to here, where the distance between comfort and safety is
measurable by the length of the hallway, the distance from one room to the next. The rooms, like
capsules, each with its own medicine for Black kids. Or, tell me what you wore on the plane
ride. I only remember what I wore: stockings and Mary Janes and the pink knit pleated skirt. I did
not remember this was your first time flying, a grown woman over thirty, and you had never seen
how small the world looked beneath your feet.


Adam has officially moved to Ohio, though most of his things won't arrive for a week or so. We got up early to drive him to SeaTac on Wednesday morning, then came home to do some work and the laundry that had been postponed several days. I had a cat on my arm so I was late getting on my usual Wednesday chat, but everyone was there this week -- even everyone's pets were there this week, demanding attention! 

We watched more climbing, synchronized swimming, then the delightful Orioles game around an afternoon walk, though the Mariners game did not end well. I finished The Bright Sword, which I enjoyed a lot -- it's not genre-exploding for me like The Mists of Avalon was, but it has interesting takes on many characters and a nice mix of traditions. Now we're watching Time Bandits. The Blue Angels last weekend:

2024-08-04 15.59.11

2024-08-04 15.56.48

2024-08-04 15.59.19

2024-08-04 15.53.09

2024-08-04 16.02.12

2024-08-04 16.05.14

2024-08-04 16.02.14

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