Monday, September 23, 2024

Greetings from Kirkland

The first day of fall was lovely here, partly cloudy and not too warm. We did chores in the morning while watching some football and the start of the Orioles game, then we ate lunch and went to the PNW Witches' Market in Juanita Beach Park. The Mabon event was bigger than the Lammas festival, probably partly because the weather was much better, though this one also had a lot more card readers and other mystics. After we wandered through the tents and performances, we walked the lake boardwalk, then drove around Juanita Bay to see the turtles, frogs, and herons.

2024-09-22 14.32.22

2024-09-22 14.01.03

2024-09-22 13.54.04

2024-09-22 13.45.16

2024-09-22 13.50.27

2024-09-22 14.30.31

2024-09-22 14.14.27

2024-09-22 13.40.28 

We stopped at Safeway and did some more travel-related chores in the late afternoon while watching the end of the Ravens-Cowboys game. Then we ate dinner and watched the rest of the episodes of Moonflower Murders before the series finale of Snowpiercer, which was kind of a letdown, like the whole season -- it's not that the deaths were unexpected, but so many of them were rushed and anticlimactic, and we didn't get any of the big confrontations we deserved after four seasons but had a mediocre new villain thrown at us instead; still, I'm still glad the final season aired.

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