Monday, September 02, 2024

Greetings from Puyallup

Our next door neighbors and sometime cat-sitters took us to the Washington State Fair in Puyallup on Sunday. We'd visited the fairgrounds in the spring, where there's a shorter, smaller fair, but the fall one is the big one, to which we hadn't been before and to which Coleen got educator admission tickets. They even drove us. 

We saw the Popnology touring exhibit, which is about science fiction and science fact, covering everyone from Carl Sagan to Gene Roddenberry to Octavia Butler (and so much Elon Musk that we wondered whether he helped fund it); a draft horse show with teams pulling carts; a six-actor production of a version of Beauty and the Beast for children; many farm animals, including newborn calves and piglets, plus pettable bunnies; local crafts; and much fair food, including very healthy things like mac & cheese tater tots, coconut shaved ice, glazed roasted nuts, and fried oreos.

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2024-09-01 16.04.28

2024-09-01 16.03.18

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2024-09-01 13.40.07 

We got home after 7 p.m., fed our starving cats, had a very small dinner after our big lunch, and watched Snowpiercer, which appears to have killed off two very important characters with several episodes left, so I'm a little bit bummed. (Melanie and Andre better make it to the end of the series or I don't promise that I will!) Now we're watching Secrets of the Zoo: Down Under with our still-feeling-neglected cats. More tomorrow!

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