Friday, September 30, 2011

Poem for Friday and Rosh Hashanah

By Charu Colorado

I find the crumbs
deep inside the nest
I hold them in my hand and laugh -
Before casting them into the river
I whisper a wind prayer
that moves the leaves
and causes the shapes of sky to dance
in the summer breeze
The afternoon sun filters my thought
as the fine dust of reason
ponders and holds me
like a wrapped tallit
I declare my acceptance
of this final consequence
Tonight new stones will appear on my doorstep


I had a nice Rosh Hashanah though I did not go to formal services; Adam had less than zero interest and I swore off ever going to High Holy Days services at the synagogue where my kids went to Hebrew school as soon as they were old enough for me to find someplace much smaller, much more feminist, and much less traditional. Adam caught up on sleep -- with the blackout sending us all to bed early last night, I think he actually got more than 12 hours -- and we had a late lunch with my parents at the Original Pancake House, where despite the name I always have eggs benedict (minus the bacon) and everyone else usually has crepes.

The weather was utterly magnificent -- 60s, breezy, a bit damp though not raining -- so most of my spiritual activity took place walking in the woods, where I saw the young buck who is now growing fuzzy antlers and the bunny who seems to have moved across the street from where I used to see him. My eye now looks completely disgusting but is much less painful than two days ago, so I am hoping the swelling will go down and then I can be seen in public without scaring children. Here are some more photos from the Pennsylvania Renfaire last weekend:

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth prepares to visit the jousting arena.

A servant gets dunked in the Boarshead Brawl.

Clowns emerge on stage at the Endgame Stage.

Artisans work in the glassblowing studio.

There are many animals at the faire, including the hawks, eagles, and owls of the Royal Falconer...

...the rescued greyhounds, Her Majesty's Hounds...

...and the lizards available for adoption at the Dragon Orphanage.

And there is lots of music, both on stages and all around the grounds.

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