Saturday, October 01, 2011

Poem for Saturday and Prairie Dogs

The Akedah Cycle 8: Together
By Rachel Barenblat

The two of them walked together
Yitzchak and Ishmael
they never spoke again
after their mothers quarreled

Yitzchak and Ishmael
beneath the cloudless sky
after their mothers quarreled
exchanged one last embrace

beneath the cloudless sky
Sarah and her son
exchanged one last embrace
before the three-day journey

Sarah and her son
drew water from the well
before the three-day journey
barefoot in the dust

drawing water from the well
Avraham plumbed the depths
barefoot in the dust
asking God for insight

Avraham plumbed the depths
he looked up to the mountain
asking God for insight
his heart afire with fear

he looked up to the mountain
they never spoke again
his heart afire with fear
the two of them walked together


From 70 Faces: Torah Poems (also on her web site).

Friday was quiet. I had a bunch of work to do and a bunch of mail to answer -- weird how a single night with no electricity/internet can put me way behind. The weather was gorgeous, low 60s and overcast most of the day though we had some afternoon sun while I was outside. My eye is STILL bugging me and still gross, which at this point is extremely annoying -- it's been a week!

We had dinner with my parents, watched this week's Telefon episode of Nikita which I enjoyed despite the predictability and "Dagger of the Mind" factors, then thought we were putting on the first episode of the new season of Boardwalk Empire but it ended up being the last episode of the last season, so we have to catch up tomorrow. (Could someone spoil me please if Jimmy did anything terrible to Angela? She's not in any of the ads.)

Fannish5: Name five characters whose religious beliefs are important to them.
1. Dana Scully
, The X-Files
2. Kira Nerys, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
3. Stephen Maturin. Master & Commander
4. Evelyn Ryan, Dawson's Creek
5. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars

The Friday Five: Cellular/mobile phones
1. When did you get your first cell phone?
Sometime in the late '90s.
2. How old were you at the time? In my early 30s.
3. What type of phone was it? Qualcomm made it for Bell Atlantic Mobile.
4. What type of phone do you have now? A Droid Incredible 2 on Verizon.
5. Do you prefer calling or texting/mailing? Texting/mailing.

Here are the prairie dogs at the Maryland Zoo. Apparently whatever was growing outside their pen was more exciting than what they were fed, because although a couple of them were eating their zoo rations, several of them were climbing the fence to eat whatever was outside it:

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