Friday, March 02, 2018

Poem for Friday and Squirrel Stand-off

By Ki Tomonori

Let’s get the scent of plum blossoms
to be carried with the messenger of the breeze
so it may be a guide
that lures bush warblers out of the valley.


I tried to get work done in the morning, but I met up with friends and brought hamantaschen for what was supposed to be a brief Purim visit that turned into two hours of walking in the park. It was a beautiful day, drizzly but not cold, with Japanese plum and apricot trees coming into bloom, and we all wound up getting bagels before going our separate ways.

My afternoon was more chore-related, but that was fine, and in the evening we watched some final season Bones after an episode of Mysteries at the Museum because the VMFA was featured in it. Here are photos of the other exciting thing that happened today, though certain people who live here found it extremely upsetting and made a lot of noise about it:






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