Friday, June 28, 2019

Poem for Friday and Brookside Butterflies

The Genesis of the Butterfly
By Victor Hugo
Translated by Andrew Lang

The dawn is smiling on the dew that covers
The tearful roses; lo, the little lovers
That kiss the buds, and all the flutterings
In jasmine bloom, and privet, of white wings,
That go and come, and fly, and peep and hide,
With muffled music, murmured far and wide.
Ah, the Spring time, when we think of all the lays
That dreamy lovers send to dreamy mays,
Of the fond hearts within a billet bound,
Of all the soft silk paper that pens wound,
The messages of love that mortals write
Filled with intoxication of delight,
Written in April and before the May time
Shredded and flown, playthings for the wind's playtime,
We dream that all white butterflies above,
Who seek through clouds or waters souls to love,
And leave their lady mistress in despair,
To flit to flowers, as kinder and more fair,
Are but torn love-letters, that through the skies
Flutter, and float, and change to butterflies.


I had a very nice Thursday -- Cheryl came here, picked me up, and drove us both to meet Jill and Toni for lunch at First Watch in Laurel, where we spent a couple of hours eating and talking. Then, since we were only a couple of blocks away, we went to The Crystal Fox, Laurel's wonderful witch store, where Cheryl convinced me that I really did need that painted animal card deck and that Norse mythology-themed deck.

When we got back to my house after a quick stop at the post office, we watched the first two episodes of Good Omens (YES I KNOW but she hadn't seen it) before Cheryl had to go home. Then Paul made veggie burgers and we watched last week's Agents of SHIELD before this week's Elementary, so I think we are finally caught up on TV. Here are some of the butterflies from the Wings of Fancy exhibit at Brookside Gardens last weekend:









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